RioSierra is dedicated to fostering responsible and sustainable practices across key agricultural sectors, including coffee, cocoa, and honey production. As URAPI's second venture, and supported by a diverse portfolio of partners, RioSierra promotes value chains that prioritize environmental stewardship, empower local communities, and foster economic resilience.

Revolving around RioSierra are Urapi, Ecotierra and ElevaFinca, these are entities playing pivotal roles in achieving shared objectives.
The Urapi Sustainable Land Use Fund mitigates land degradation and climate change by investing in community agroforestry projects and sustainable supply chains.
Ecotierra is a unique, holistic, sustainable agroforestry project developer and operator.
ElevaFinca represents commodities produced by the alliance of cooperatives participating in agroforestry projects launched and financed by Urapi.

Our Objectives
Promote sustainable land use by producing coffee in agroforestry systems.
Secure top-quality inputs, supplies, machinery, and equipment for our allied cooperatives with financing options.
Deliver exceptional coffee processing and export services to our allied cooperatives with the highest standards of professionalism and quality.